jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

¿Qué ocurre si dejo de pagar mi hipoteca?

Lo primero que tienes que saber es que dejar de pagar la hipoteca sería una pésima decisión.

Son muchas las personas que, por falta de información, no se toman en serio los pagos de las hipotecas. Las consecuencias de dejar de pagar una hipoteca suelen derivar en un proceso de embargo y subasta. Por otra parte, si te encuentras “asfixiado” por la hipoteca y no puedes hacer frente a las cuotas mensuales, es fundamental que, antes de tomar una decisión, leas esto.

El cauce habitual que se sigue cuando se deja de pagar una hipoteca es el siguiente:

  1. Si transcurre un mes desde que se dejó de pagar la hipoteca, el banco o la entidad financiera se pone en contacto con el deudor para comprobar si el impago es debido a un error, dando la posibilidad de pagar la cuota impagada, con sus respectivos intereses de demora para solucionar el problema.

  1. Si el impago transcurre durante más tiempo, el banco seguirá intentando cobrar la cuota de los meses impagados y, en la mayoría de los casos, se replanteará la modificación de las condiciones negadas a priori, pudiendo alargar el plazo de devolución del préstamo hipotecario. En este caso, la deuda sería el total de la hipoteca más los intereses de demora.

  1. Si el impago se prolonga durante 6 meses, el banco o entidad financiera tendrá que reflejarlo en su cuenta de resultados. Es habitual que, llegado a este punto, el banco emprenda acciones legales para ejecutar la garantía del préstamo y se inscriba al deudor en una lista de morosos.

  1. Pasado un cierto tiempo, se produciría la subasta de la vivienda. Siendo el juez competente en cada caso el encargado de determinar la fecha límite en que se pueden pagar las deudas, con sus intereses de demora correspondientes, para evitar la subasta del inmueble. Pero no siempre con la subasta de la vivienda se soluciona el problema. Todo depende del dinero obtenido como resultado de la subasta. Si la cantidad es superior a la deuda hipotecaria, no hay problema, pues se hace frente a toda la hipoteca, pero en caso de que sea inferior, se tendrá que hacer frente a la diferencia entre el dinero obtenido de la subasta del inmueble y la deuda hipotecaria contraída, tal como se recoge en la ley.

Para no llegar a estos puntos mencionados, es importante que en estas etapas previas en las que se empieza a tener problemas económicos, se acuda al banco o entidad financiera acreedora del préstamo hipotecario para explicarles la situación y tratar de renegociar el préstamo. De esta forma, podemos conseguir que nos amplíen el plazo de devolución de la misma a cambio de una rebaja sustancial de la cuota mensual para que, aunque tengamos dificultades, no tengamos que dejar de pagar la hipoteca.

Con Intercorp Mortgage Solutions no tendrás ningún inconveniente para pagar tus cuotas. Te daremos oportunidades para negociar unas mejores condiciones con plazos más largos. Si te gustaría obtener más información, recuerda que puedes seguirnos a través de nuestras redes sociales o contactarnos.

Estar al día con los pagos nos abrirá futuras puertas.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS

Instagram: intercorpms

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

Critical Moments: How to Stay Low in Business

The worst thing you can do during difficult times is staying still and not doing anything. Take action immediately and search for alternatives. 

If you own a company, perhaps you perceive it is almost a living being, and as such it has its ups and downs. There are no exceptions; every businessperson needs to know that there’ll be tough times eventually. When hard times come, finding reasons why it happened are not that relevant now, what matters is how to make it out safely.
My first recommendation would be to keep calm; it’s not the end of the world. If you make decisions with a rush in moments like this, you might end up losing more and risking your company’s chances of surviving. Keep your head cold and think, seek for solutions in contemplation and calmness.

1. - Act based on facts

When hard times strike, it’s easy to feel surrounded by “what-ifs” and potential situations where your company goes to bankruptcy. Face this situation based on facts on hand, not future ideas that are in your head. Also, avoid getting fed up with negative thoughts of others; whether they’re intentional or not they can affect your decisions.

2.- Your customers don’t need to know you’re having trouble

The worst thing you can cause your customers is that they feel you’re not able to provide the service they seek. Customer service doesn’t have to be affected by this situation. If you have loyal clients who put their faith in you, it will do well to maintain it that way.
In situations like these, letting your customers know you’re having a bad season will cause them to lose trust and walk away. Only state your issues if necessary. If not, maintain business working like nothing even happened. Take this time to build trust and avoid losing your loyal customers.

3. – Hard times are calls to action, not inertia

If you were sailing on a boat and see there’s a storm ahead, would you just stay quiet and do nothing? No, you look for ways to protect the boat for what’s about to come. The same concept applies to business. Don’t stand still, waiting for a miracle to happen, start acting! Leap into action and look for solutions.
Jumping into action doesn’t mean that you’ll make decisions without thought or a backup plan; it’s about thinking meticulously and acting responsibly. Call for a meeting with your staff and ask for ideas, it might help to hear things from another perspective.

4.- Hard times are opportunities to change

It might seem like a too optimistic point of view, but it might answer to the reason you’re in hardship. Analyze the things you’ve been doing; this is a good time to shed some lights on what caused this and how to avoid it for future occasions. Take this as an opportunity to look back and admittedly accept the flaws that were committed.
Also, you could just steer your company into a new direction if you find it necessary. This is a good moment to make decisions like this and start from “scratch” with a whole different focus.

Disaster doesn’t have to lead to chaos in your company. If you manage things responsibly, the chances of switching things in your favor will increase. Don’t give in just yet; there’s still potential for your company!
If you find yourself in a critical moment, remember you can get a hand or two in financial matters. Intercorp Mortgage Solutions is willing to provide you the tools to successfully make it out of that difficult situation you’re into. Call them to get the best loans and assistance to get back in business!
Get your business back on its feet and work like nothing bad ever happened. Learn from past mistakes and return with that knowledge at hand.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS
Instagram: intercorpms

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

Investment Ideas for College Graduates Like You!

You just came out of college, be cautious with your finances at this point. Stay low and don't risk your savings, they're your starting point.

College graduates are perhaps the main prospects to turn into entrepreneurs. They might not be full of money in their pockets, but they compensate it with an astounding amount of ideas and potential projects. Once you graduate, you feel like you’re ready to take on the world, but before jumping onto the investments section, you better sit down and consider your possibilities.
If you really want to succeed out there, you must balance your will to take risks and add some thought to it. You can count on the team of Intercorp Mortgage Solutions to aid you in choosing the best option to invest in. In addition to their support, here’s a list of ideas you could use to get started and put that money to work for you.

1.- Be quick but sharp

As mentioned before, young college graduates have a lot in their favor. Played properly, any investment will pay off while you can work on looking for a job or starting your own projects. If you start getting into investments early on, your future will be promising for business.
But remember, this isn’t a time trial or a race. Don’t rush your money into investments without knowledge, make time work for you and don’t let a single dollar slip by without thought or assistance.

2.- Brokerage accounts for stock investments

Opening a brokerage account is the fastest way of putting investments to pay off. Once you invest in stocks, you’ll own a share of the company. But be advised that you could lose money due to factors like market falling, so get informed about stock investing before getting into it.
If you choose to invest in potentially profitable stocks, it will pay off in the long term. Contact a loyal financial advisor to determine which option is less risky. Now that you’re a graduate, you can keep a constant eye on the changes in terms of value, so use that to your advantage and start investing!

3.- Invest in property

Take advantage of the college area and start real estate investing. You can rent out rooms, or the property itself and the earnings will show. Don’t be afraid of putting your savings into a property; it will be a solid way to put your money in a safe investment.
Be advised that you need to keep the property in good shape if you want to draw people in, also make continuous checks to see everything is functioning properly. If you aren’t going to be around the college area anymore, you could just sell the property.

4.- Proliferate with different investments

You should never put your savings into many stocks at once; it will be just disastrous. Instead, focus on fixed investments with small amounts of money while spreading out your choices, then you’ll see how diversifying will open doors for income.
Don’t stay limited to one or two stock choices in the market, you’ll be too limited, and it will put you out of the business if things go wrong. Also, keep some safe funds in your banks just in case things go wrong. Play safe, but never limit the choices you have.
Your first steps into the world of investing don’t need to end in failure or unnecessary mistakes. Follow these tips, and you’ll be in a safe spot while earning some income for your future projects as a graduate. Do you need someone to assist you in the process? Sure thing! You have Intercorp Mortgage Solutions to assist you both financially and strategically, all you need to do is get in touch with them.

Every extra money that comes in should be invested immediately, but wisely.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS
Instagram: intercorpms

jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

¿Te gustaría invertir en propiedades?

Determina si los fondos de inversión en bienes raíces son adecuados para ti.

Invertir en propiedades es una buena opción. De hecho, hoy en día el mercado inmobiliario es una de las mejores inversiones y capitalizaciones que puedes realizar en estos tiempos, ya que siempre existirá alguna persona en busca de un inmueble en renta o venta. Otra de las ventajas de la inversión inmobiliaria es que apenas necesita formación. Cualquier persona puede invertir en un inmueble y entender o calcular si la casa se está vendiendo a un buen o mal precio, dentro de unos límites razonables.

Si sientes un poco de inseguridad sobre este negocio, no tienes de qué preocuparte. Invertir en un inmueble es una decisión acertada, ya que difícilmente perderá su valor, debido a que el paso del tiempo y el aumento de la plusvalía de la zona geográfica harán que tu inversión obtenga rendimientos sobre el valor de la propiedad, logrando así una mayor rentabilidad.

Por otra parte, invertir en bienes raíces es una inversión más segura que la Bolsa de valores. Los precios de las acciones cambian drásticamente con retornos inciertos o mínimos. Así que mucha gente opta por invertir sin preocupaciones para asegurar su futuro con propiedades de inversión. Aunque este tipo de inversión es un poco más elevado al comienzo, luego de tener dos propiedades o más, verás que tu capital aumentará cada vez más rápido gracias a los ingresos de alquiler y, además, se incrementa el valor de los inmuebles de inversión a largo plazo.

También cabe destacar que, dependiendo de cada país, invertir en bienes es una ventaja para la disminución de gastos en la declaración de impuestos. En general, serán bajas las tasas anuales para mantener tus propiedades, mucho más bajas que los impuestos que tendrás que pagar por otras ganancias. Puedes solicitar más información con los agentes inmobiliarios.

Ten en cuenta las siguientes inversiones: apartamentos, departamentos de negocios, casas rurales, lotes y terrenos, habitaciones para estudiantes, habitaciones de hotel, residencias, garajes... Si no posees el dinero para comenzar tu inversión, te recomendamos contactarnos. Con Intercorp Mortgage Solutions conseguirás el financiamiento que necesitas para cumplir tus sueños. ¿Qué opinas? ¿Estás listo para invertir? ¡Contáctanos!

Existe una cantidad de formas de entrar en el negocio de la inversión en propiedades.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS

Instagram: intercorpms

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Residential vs. Commercial: Choosing the Right Real Estate Investment

Between residential and commercial real estate, they have many aspects that divert. They might be part of real estate, but they function differently.

Starting off in real estate takes its time. Generally, the first choice (and safest) of entrepreneurs is to sell either commercial or residential property. Both options are profitable on their own, but it’s important to differentiate each, as they are not alike as you might think.
Before getting into their differences, let’s clear it up: it’s not that one is better or the other is less profitable. They have their own pros and cons regarding profitability, time and costs. Find the option that fits your intentions, and you’ll succeed no matter which one you choose.

Residential vs. Commercial

In conceptual terms, commercial real estate is based on properties destined for business. On the other hand, residential is about selling properties that are meant for living. That would be the main difference, to begin with; they have a clear distinction in the market they’re focused on.
Residential is, in many aspects, easier to start and develop than commercial. Research in both areas of real estate proves that the first invention is chosen by real estate, but if you’re starting from scratch, then residential should be your first choice at hand. Profit can be attainable for short periods of time with both, but residential is easier to get into.
Commercial real estate takes almost the same time to show profit compared to residential. It’s a safer investment that’s often related to young investors that know how the stock market works. To summarize, both residential and commercial are valid options in terms of time and profitability.
In terms of applying for the job, residential doesn’t expect that much from agents, not even a college degree. What they do require is that the agent knows the community they’ll focus on. It builds trust to reach them properly.
A good addition for commercial real estate is to have a degree. It is not mandatory, but it would prove knowledge. Without these skills, it will be hard to understand the functioning of this type of real estate, even if you did some research on your own.
It’s notorious that commercial requires a little more effort than residential real estate. Then again, that doesn’t make commercial real estate investments worse in any way. Commercial might be somewhat harder to get into, but their results are equal (sometimes superior) regarding income and profit.
Remember, no matter which one you choose to get into, you must be aware that both demand a lot of insight and knowledge. You can obtain both by contacting Intercorp Mortgage Solutions; they have all the assets and skills to assist you in investing in real estate.
If your work is more oriented to business and companies, your choice is commercial real estate. If you're more of a business to person seller, then residential is your choice!

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS
Instagram: intercorpms

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

¿Cómo saber cuál casa te puedes permitir?

Vamos a analizar cuál debería ser tu situación personal y económica, y así saber cuál casa puedes aspirar.

Si estás considerando mudarte, seguramente has pasado gran parte del tiempo pensando en cómo elegir la casa perfecta. ¿Qué factores hay que tomar en cuenta para no equivocarnos al momento de elegir la casa donde pasaremos días y noches? Sin duda, la casa donde vamos a vivir con nuestra familia debe ser elegida a conciencia, a fin de que todos queden contentos y puedan disfrutar de un ambiente agradable. A pesar de que el proceso de selección muchas veces puede ser difícil, hay algunos pasos a seguir para realizar una buena elección.

1. Toma en cuenta la ubicación de la propiedad
La casa debe estar ubicada en un lugar accesible para el traslado hacia los colegios y trabajos; es una solución que esté cerca del sitio a donde vaya la mayoría de los miembros de tu familia. Por ello, sería ideal que la ubicación también sea cercana a algunas áreas de esparcimiento para los más chicos, quizás con alguna piscina.

2. Conocer si existen cargos
Es recomendable acudir al Registro de la Propiedad y solicitar un documento que nos permita conocer la titularidad, superficie y posibles cargas o problemas judiciales sobre la vivienda cuando es de segunda mano. Si la vivienda es de segunda mano, no está de más comprobar que el propietario esté al día en el pago del Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles.

3. Formas de pago
Existen varias vías de pago. Por ejemplo, pago de contado o el préstamo hipotecario. Esta última es la forma de pago más habitual. A la hora de acudir al banco a pedir una hipoteca, la entidad tiene muy en cuenta el valor de tasación, la capacidad de endeudamiento, los avales y la estabilidad laboral. Es muy importante que, antes de conocer la decisión de concesión de la hipoteca por parte del banco, no pagues ninguna fianza por la vivienda. En caso de no conseguir el crédito para pagar la vivienda, el propietario o constructora están en su derecho de quedarse con el dinero.

Si te preocupa la parte económica y cómo obtener el puesto para adquirir la casa ideal para ti y tu familia, te recomendamos contactar a Intercorp Mortgage Solutions. Tenemos años de experiencia en el mercado hipotecario de bienes raíces. ¡Contáctanos y asesórate! ¡Obtén la casa de tus sueños!

Existen factores directos e indirectos que tienen influencia en determinar cuál casa puedes permitirte.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS
Instagram: intercorpms

lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

Make Money Online: An Easy How-to

This is fundamental for online entrepreneurs, as it makes them more approachable and trustworthy.

Starting off from zero is never an easy task. Most entrepreneurs face this challenge in their first steps in the world of business, and they often find the doors blocked because of diverse factors such as low cash flow, lack of confidence from consumers and strong competitors. But it doesn’t have to be this hard; you can take advantage of a business tool that’s less risky and profitable in comparison, the reason of it? It’s online-based.

Basic website knowledge along with communication and swiftness to act is required to start off as an online businessman. The truth is that almost anyone can build and successfully carry out a project around an online business.

But before you try to get into the online business, you must be clear about what you seek to do and some basic information:

  • Be aware of what you’re good at. Whether you’re good at making financial accountings or computing, it is important to know your set of skills to steer your business towards that direction.
  • Online businesses take time to give profit. You won’t wake up the next day with millions of dollars at your disposal; it’s not that simple. An online business isn't hard to build, but it takes time to turn into a profitable source.
  • There will be competition. You’re not the first to come up with the idea; there are actually millions of users taking advantage of the internet as a source of income. Do your best to differentiate and succeed.

Now that we’ve cleared up the basis of online business, here are a few choices to orient your decision towards trying. Keep in mind that some of these options are not for earning big fortunes, but rather sustainable numbers.


Smartphones are just everywhere! There is hardly someone without one of these today. But where’s the demand? Well, with that amount of mobile phones also comes an increased demand for applications that adapt to each user. People continuously install apps every day, which is why it’s a profitable business to develop an app. They take particular time to develop, but once they’re out there, you’ll be earning quickly only regarding ad revenue.


People on the internet buy and sell domain names as a way to earn money. It’s a worthy investment to purchase a domain at its registration price (or cheaper if available) and then resell it to make some profit.

Do some ground research previously to get a clear idea of which domain names are on demand. Access auction websites such as Afternic to get a better picture of how it works.


Wix’s web platform offers a chance for developers to design a site and get offers from potential customers to develop websites for them. It’s a great place for web designers in the making and a profitable business opportunity. You can check out the website here and start earning!

There are many ways to make money online, but more important than making money it's taking advantage of that cash flow. How can I manage and invest that money properly? Easy! By contacting Intercorp Mortgage Solutions, you'll be getting the assistance to steer your money into the right direction. Get an appointment with them; your finances will be in the right hands!
Today's market found a niche on the Internet. It's less risky, and you can build a presence that builds trust.

Intercorp Mortgage Solutions
Phone Number: (305) 517-5633
Facebook: IntercorpMS
Twitter: @IntercorpMS
Instagram: intercorpms

¿Cómo adquirir una casa en el extranjero?

Hay que conocer el funcionamiento del sistema jurídico del país donde se compra el inmueble. Hoy en día son muchas las personas qu...